11/20/2024 Institut Curie PhD Graduation Ceremony 2024 Institut Curie will be celebrating its PhD laureates of the year with the 2024* PhD Graduation Ceremony on Tuesday, December 10th, 2024.
10/25/2024 Alumni Portrait: Michelle Newman Institut Curie has many Alumni who have done their master, PhD or post-doc at the institute, and who have afterwards proceeded to follow a range of career paths. We would like to introduce you to some of them.
Cours March 16th March 23rd Cancer Epigenetics 17th edition - From nuclear organization to metabolism and cell fate in normal state and diseases Registration deadline January 5th 2022
Cours March 22nd March 31st Cancer Epigenetics 18th Course on Epigenetics 2023 - When Epigenetics meet chromosomes - joint with the Qlife Winter School series in Quantitative Biology Registration deadline December 11th 2022