May 23rd
Immunology Course 2024

Advanced Course on Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy 2024

November 12th - 15th 2024
Fundación Ciencia & Vida, Universidad San Sebastián, Avenida del Condor 720, Huechuraba, Santiago, Chile.

Poster Immuno 2024

The “Advanced Course on Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy” offers 4 days of lectures and discussions centered on the biology of immunity and cancer immunotherapy. Experts in different fields of immunology will present the latest developments in innate immunity, myeloid and lymphoid cell biology, tissue immunity and the role of the microenvironment in immune activation. The course program will also include sessions specifically dedicated to state-of-the-art cell therapy and cancer immunotherapy.

Besides attending the lectures, the participants will have the opportunity to present their projects during two poster sessions, discuss with the speakers, attend workshops on open science and scientific integrity, and participate in a round table on career opportunities. For application and more information: click here

The Advanced Course on Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy is jointly organized with the 3rd Franco-Austral Course on Bioinformatics Applied to Immunology, taking place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from October 30th to November 2nd, just before the ALACI 2024 meeting (click here for more information). The goal of this hands-on course is to provide early career researchers from Latin American research institutions the fundamentals of single-cell transcriptomics and proteomics, and the necessary computational and statistical tools to analyse such datasets applied to immunology.

We highly encourage you to participate in both courses, to broaden your expertise in state-of-the-art technologies and to foster cross-border scientific exchanges. If you want to participate in the two courses, you will need to register for each separately.The registrations for the courses are free.

In the framework of an international cooperation project between France, Chile and Argentina, the course organization will provide up to 10 travel grants in priority to participants attending both courses from Argentina and other locations in Chile.

The Advanced Course on Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy is exclusively destined to Master students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from Latin American universities and/or research institutions.

The course is organized and funded by the LabEx DCBIOL, Institut Curie’s Advanced Training Office, Institut Curie’s Medico-Scientific Program in Immunotherapy, the Inserm CIC-1428, PSL University, Universidad San Sebastián, Centro BASAL Ciencia & Vida (ANID-FB210008) and Fundación Ciencia & Vida. The cell therapy session is organized and funded by the RHU EpCART, a structuring project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) in the framework of the France 2030 program.