Emerald MD-PhD Program

Institut Curie is one of the 7 partner institutions in the new Cofund Emerald MD-PhD program.
This doctoral program will fund a PhD for 24 MDs in total.

What is Emerald?

Emerald’s mission is to train physician-scientists to become leaders in academia, in the clinic and the private sector, becoming themselves ambassadors of this type of training and practice.

Emerald (International PhD Program for Medical Doctors) aims to push forward translational research and personalized medicine by fusing fundamental discoveries and frontier technologies with translational research and medicine.


2021 Call for applications

For the first call, Institut Curie is recruiting one MD for a 42-month PhD thesis in the frame of the international doctoral program Emerald, a partnership between 7 EU-LIFE European research centers.

Picture of Sarah Watson
Sarah Watson, MD-PhD

Institut Curie is offering one position for a PhD on Molecular biology to refine diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in adult soft tissue sarcoma under the supervision of Sarah WATSON, MD-PhD.

The first call for application is open until Nov 14th 2021.




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The international EMERALD program is co-funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant No 101034290.