
One mission: to train

Advanced training and education is one of the founding missions of Institut Curie, together with Care and Research.

Our aim is to provide students and trainees with high-quality education and training opportunities. This is essential to ensure constant developments in research and medicine and maintain our level of excellence.

By investing in education, we fuel our laboratories and hospital with creativity & expertise, promote collaborations & networking among our teams & beyond, and provide our staff with essential tools for career development.

The Advanced Training Office coordinates Institut Curie’s training offer for researchers and physicians.

Whether in caring for patients, training students or passing on know-how and experience, the Research Center and the Hospital Group are joining forces to improve patient care and beat cancer. A team spirit and altruistic skill are values deeply rooted in the Training department and are shared by all its members.


Our missions

  • Implement training & career development activities to promote trainees’ competitiveness on an international level
  • Develop an evolving portfolio to meet trainees’ needs (based on feedback)
  • Engage in networking & promote international partnerships 
  • Coordinate all training activities across research, medical and translational themes
  • Apply the motto “The Trainee is the Trainer” by encouraging active involvement in mentoring younger trainees. 


Our main activities

  • International Scientific Courses: an average of 14 courses/year, organized with Institut Curie’s researchers and physicians, accredited by Parisian universities & without registration fees; 
  • Preceptorships & Masterclasses for physicians supported by industrial sponsors.