June 2nd
June 4th
Career Development Course

Writing a Scientific Paper - Online course

The course will cover the fundamental aspects of writing a scientific paper: preparation, structure, grammar and vocabulary.

Course in English
Registration deadline



After the course, participants will be able to

  • prepare for the actual writing process
  • name and discuss the structural elements of a scientific paper
  • use correct grammar and appropriate vocabulary
  • give guided feedback on the manuscripts of others

Discussion & Workshops

The course is highly interactive and involves group work and individual work, practical exercises and detailed teacher feedback.

Personal Work

The course is highly interactive and involves group work and individual work, practical exercises and detailed teacher feedback.

ECTS Information


Practical Informations

Practical Informations


  • In addition to setting up the required infrastructure (laptop, camera, microphone, software) and a quiet place, students need only be equipped with pens and paper.
  • The course will be split into two half-day sessions, each of which runs from 10:00-15:00, with a lunch break from 12:00-13:00. The total work time will thus be 8 hours.
Informations pratiques détaillées
  • In addition to setting up the required infrastructure (laptop, camera, microphone, software) and a quiet place, students need only be equipped with pens and paper.
  • The course will be split into two half-day sessions, each of which runs from 10:00-15:00, with a lunch break from 12:00-13:00. The total work time will thus be 8 hours.
Selection result
There is no registration fee for this course
At home (online course)
At home (online course)

Maximum Number of Participants

16 people

Number of Participants

16 participants.

Selection Criteria

This course is for Institut Curie's staff only.

Priority to PhDs & selection on the first come, first served basis.



Marc Rehmsmeier

With a background in Computer Science, Marc Rehmsmeier has been working in Computational Biology since his Master thesis. After his PhD studies at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg and a few years as a postdoc, he became a group leader at Bielefeld University, spent some time at the Gregor Mendel Institute in Vienna and then moved to Norway where he became a full professor at Bergen University. Since 2015, he has been a senior researcher at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. He works on computational and statistical approaches to questions in genetics and molecular biology, in particular in the field of epigenetic regulation through the Polycomb and Trithorax groups of proteins in flies and mammals, with a focus on DNA sequence. He has published 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals which have been cited over 6000 times. Marc has been interested in scientific presentation and paper writing for many years and has trained university students, PhD students and postdocs. In his workshops as well as in his university teaching, he uses a modern teaching approach that focuses on student activity.


  • Advanced Training Office - Institut Curie