January 20th
January 25th
International course

Summer Course on Cell Biology

4th course in Valdicia - Chile

Cell biology applied to different biological systems: Cell migration and mechanics, cytoskeleton dynamics, epigenetics, ER dynamics, Golgi structure and function, immune synapse, long RNAs in development biology, membrane trafficking, mitochondrial function, neurobiology, UPR and ER stress.

Course in English



Our goals are to diffuse among South American Universities the most recent researches conducted in Institut Curie in the area of Cell Biology and to create strong interactions between our research scientists and the local experts in the field. 
We further aim at facilitating scientific exchanges between French laboratories and South American students who wish to acquire an expertise in the areas and technologies currently developed in the Institut Curie.

Personal Work

Scientific articles discussion and project writing.
Four experimental poster sessions will be held during the course, thus participants are encouraged to present their research work in a poster.

Practical Informations

There is no registration fee for this course

The course may offer scholarships that include travel and accommodation expenses, budget permitting.

Université autrale du Chili, Valdivia



Ana-Maria Lennon, Claire Hivroz (Institut Curie)
Patricia Burgos, Gonzalo Mardones (Chili)