November 7th
Career Development Course

Storytelling for scientists

How can you make your research as exciting as Netflix?

Scientists are used to present their work to their peers and scientific community. But the often lack skills to present to other audiences, users of their applied findings, founders and grant agencies. You will learn how to use storytelling and new presentation formats to communicate your research confidently to various audiences.

Course in English
Registration deadline



You will explore how turning your research into Pecha Kucha (20 images in 20 seconds), Lightning Talk (your research in 180 seconds), Instagram story, TV news or a TV show can help you gain empathy for your audience and hone your storytelling skills.
By focusing on the audience and being sensitive to what they care about you will explore how to present scientific findings in a compelling and understandable way. We will also address the challenges and opportunities of remote presentations to help you impress any Zoom audience.

Practical Informations

Practical Informations

3h Live Zoom, 10am-1pm CET

Selection result
End of October 2023
There is no registration fee for this course
Live Webinar
on Zoom

Maximum Number of Participants

24 people

Number of Participants

24 participants

Selection Criteria

This course is for Institut Curie personnel only.



Anja Svetina Nabergoj (PhD) teaches at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, Stanford University. She is the founding member of Creativity in Research team that developed the curriculum for applying design thinking to scientific and scholarly research. She has been conducting studies on the creative process behind breakthrough innovative scientific research. The result is a new book “Creativity in Research: Cultivate Clarity, Be Innovative, and Make Progress in your Research Journey” published by Cambridge University Press in 2019. Anja is also on the Advisory Board of The Stanford Catalyst for Collaborative Solutions, which is a new initiative with a bold mission to create an open space to explore uncommon interdisciplinary solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.


  • Advanced Training Office - Institut Curie