March 27th
March 31st
International course

Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation

3e course

Post-transcriptional gene regulation

The aim of this course is to provide an overview of post-transcriptional gene regulations at multiple steps, including notably (pre-)messenger RNA splicing, polyadenylation, stability and translation, this year with a focus on two emerging topics, mRNA localization and modifications (epitranscriptome).

In addition to lectures given by international experts in the field, the course will also rely on the active contribution of participants and on their interactions with speakers. Each participant will present his scientific project (poster, elevator pitch) and will co-chair a speaker. In addition to long discussion time after each talk, participants will have the opportunity to meet speakers every day at coffee breaks and lunch.

Course in English


Personal Work

- Career Development Workshop
- "Elevator pitches": Each participant will introduce himself and his project in few sentences (1 minute).
- Poster sessions: Poster presentation (in English) of the participant’s research project.
- “You’re the chairman”: Each participant will introduce a speaker (scientific career and main findings) and animate discussion after the talk.
- “Meet the editor”: An editor of a scientific journal will present his activity.

ECTS Information

 Master students can validate 3 ECTS.

Research themes



Practical Informations

Practical Informations


- Regulatory mechanisms of post-transcriptional steps of gene expression (mRNA splicing, polyadenylation, stability, translation, editing, methylation, localization…).
- Pan-genomic analysis of gene regulation beyond transcription (splicing arrays, RNA-Seq, CLIP-Seq, ribosome profiling…)
- Deregulation of post-transcriptional gene expression in pathologies.
- Focus of the year: mRNA modifications (epitranscriptome) and localization.

There is no registration fee for this course
Institut Curie Paris
Institut Curie
Amphithéâtre BDD
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
Paris - France



Martin Dutertre
Hervé Le Hir
Stéphan Vagner

Scientific Committee

Martin Dutertre
Hervé Le Hir
Stéphan Vagner
