April 30th
Preparing for group leader position interviews
Career Development Course

Non-academic career paths after a PhD: sharing experience with a company representative and a PhD holder

Online course

Round table with three speakers:

  • a representative from a company recruiting PhDs
  • 2 doctorate holders who have evolved outside the academic sector, testifying to their career paths and giving advice to foster this evolution
Course in English
Registration deadline



  • Understanding the challenges of recruiting PhDs for a company
  • Understand what recruiters expect from PhDs (in terms of skills and personal qualities)
  • Discover the jobs offered to PhDs by companies, including non-research jobs.
  • Discover career developments after a PhD
  • Get information and advice to help you develop your career

Practical Informations

Practical Informations

The course will take place on 1 half-day:

Thursday 30/04 // MORNING //  11am – 12:30

Selection result
There is no registration fee for this course
At home
Online course

Maximum Number of Participants

40 people

Number of Participants


Selection Criteria

This course is open to all Institut Curie's employees but priority is given to PhDs and post-docs.



Dr Andrea Pelikan - Business Developer at Kymos Pharma Services, SL

Dr Elisabeth Lamers-Schmidt – Project Manager at Alcimed

Dr Insa Voss – International Talent Acquisition in Life Sciences at Kelly Services
