February 14th
February 19th
International course

Breast Cancer

2nd course

This course focuses on breast cancers both on a biological and a clinical point of view. This course will cover the biology of breast cancers from pathology, the diagnostic of the disease, the different treatments with presentation of present and on going trials and modalities of follow-up. A special focus will emphasize the recent data on basal-like and hereditary breast cancers, their new therapeutic strategies and what next generation sequencing provides in breast cancer biology.

Course in English


Personal Work

Each participant will present scientific articles related to the topics discussed. The articles will be given to the students by the speakers several days before the course begins. The students will also present their research work in poster sessions scheduled during the week.

Practical Informations

Practical Informations

Génétique et Biologie du cancer du sein (Peter Campbell - Cambridge, Royaume-Uni ; Jos Jonkers -NKI, Pays-Bas ; Marc Henri Stern Institut Curie, France ; Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet - IC et Université Paris Descartes, France),
Epidémiologie (Bernard Asselain,- IC, France)
Pathologie Moléculaire (Jorge Reis-Filho - ICR, Royaume-Uni et Anne Vincent-Salomon – IC, France)
Traitement d'images (Anne Tardivon - IC, France)
Traitements du cancer du sein:
 - Chimiothérapie et thérapies ciblées (Véronique Dieras,- IC, France)
 - Approche multidisciplinaire du traitement du cancer du sein (A. Fourquet,- IC, France)
 - Chirurgie (Fabien Reyal - IC, France)
 - Nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques pour les tumeurs basal-like (Allan Ashworth,- ICR, Royaume-Uni)
Régulations épigénétiques et Cancer du sein (Geneviève Almouzni - IC, France)
Rôle du stroma dans les tumeurs du sein (Lisa Coussens,- UCS, USA ; Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou -IC, France)
Traitements et Perspectives de recherche
 - Immunothérapie (Vassili Soumelis,- IC, France)
 - Radiobiologie (Janet Hall,-IC, France)
 - Perspectives des traitements à venir (Fabrice André,- Institut Gustave Roussy, France)
Processus impliqués dans les micrométastases (Jean-Yves Pierga - IC et Université Paris Descartes, France),
Recherche Pré-clinique (Elisabetta Marangoni - IC, France ; M. Glukhova - IC, France ; Jos Jonkers-NKI, Pays-Bas)
Organisation pratique des essais cliniques du Cancer du sein (Brigitte, Sigal  - IC, France)
Recherche Industrielle (John Hickman,-Servier, France)
To write an article (Julie Sappa, Alex Edelmann & Associates, France)

There is no registration fee for this course

No registration fees.
Foreign students or French students living outside the Parisian area can apply for travel fellowships. So please include a justification with your application.

Institut Curie - Paris



Anne Vincent-Salomon, Jean-Yves Pierga, Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou, Olivier delattre