June 13th
Creativity in research illustration
Career Development Course

Creativity in Research Introductory Session

How can creativity help you do more innovative research?

In this introductory talk we will focus on the role of creativity in scientific work and how we can cultivate creative problem finding and creative problem solving. Many young scholars have a schema of doing science, that there is a linear path from identifying a research question to finding the answer. The reality is that science happens very differently, we get stuck, we take unexpected turns, we get rejected, our experiments fail, we get scooped. 

This is why it is important to complement analytical skills with creative problem solving abilities so that researchers can face the unknown, learn from failure without feelings of guilt, manage their time and emotions and cultivate reflective practice to build resilience. We encourage them to be playful and have fun while exploring their research and to learn how to embrace and navigate ambiguity that is inherent to innovative research.

Course in English
Registration deadline



  • To develop creative problem solving abilities
  • Lear how to cultivate reflective practice to build resilience



Practical Informations

Practical Informations

Webinar - From 2 to 4 p.m

Selection result
June 10, 2022
There is no registration fee for this course

Maximum Number of Participants

20 people

Number of Participants

20 participants

Selection Criteria

Institut Curie staff only. Priority is given to PhDs, Post-docs and PIs.



Anja Svetina Nabergoj, PhD

Anja is an innovation researcher, educator and facilitator working with senior leaders from high-growth startups, established corporations, NGOs and government institutions to strengthen and support their innovation efforts.

Her work focuses on designing transformative learning experiences that lead to increased creative confidence and deepened innovation abilities in participants.

Her teaching approach is based on the most recent findings from leading neuroscientists, psychologists and anthropologists with the goal to inspire leaders to change their behaviors and mindsets and create work environments that are more conducive to innovation.