July 3rd

EuReCa PhD Program - End of the first recruitment phase: 8 PhD students will join Institut Curie in Fall 2020

The first recruitment of PhD students within the frame of the EuReCa Program, cofunded by the European Commission ended on June 4, 2020.

8 PhD projects were proposed for this first recruitment. The call for applications, which was launched at the beginning of December 2019, was a big success since 369 applications have been received within 45 days. Complying with EuReCa’s recruitment procedure, 30 applicants were selected to attend the interview session from May 27 to 29, 2020.

This event usually takes place at Institut Curie over three days, however due to the Covid health crisis it was not possible to welcome the applicants on the premises this year.

The Project Coordinator, along with the EuReCa Management Team and the Training Unit have succeeded in maintaining not only the interview session organized remotely but also most of the initially scheduled program. On Wednesday, May 27, in the morning, the candidates participated in a discovery session around Institut Curie and its environment. In the afternoon, the candidates attended a virtual and interactive visit of the labs they were applying for. On Thursday evening, the candidates and the current 3rd year PhD students of the IC3i international PhD program participated in a live chat with a Q&A session, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere which was very much appreciated by all participants.

Following this unprecedented interview session, the 8 prospective PhD students were selected. Congratulations to them!