January 17th
June 20th
Poster Raising awareness to History, Epistemology and Ethics of Science 2025
Career Development Course

Raising awareness on History, Epistemology and Ethics of Science

This module aims to better understand the epistemology of scientific knowledge, to reflect on its role in our societies, and to identify the ethical issues related to both the development of this knowledge and its application. 

The first session will allow us to get to know the students, their research topics and the reasons why they chose this module. We will describe the organization of the module and present the topics that will be addressed. The next three sessions will be introductory courses in the history of science, philosophy of science and ethics. The next sessions will be dedicated to a particular theme that will be presented by an invited speaker. 

The following topics will be addressed in particular: Research ethics and scientific integrity; the cross contributions of natural and social sciences; interdisciplinarity and trans-disciplinarity; social and anthropological approaches to science; issues raised by artificial intelligence; strategies for undermining the value of scientific knowledge and casting doubt; the use of metaphors in science; reflections raised by epidemics. The order of the conferences has not yet been decided. 


Course in English
Registration deadline



Such training, combining philosophical reflection, historical studies and discussions on the ethical issues of scientific knowledge, has become essential for all those who will work tomorrow in research or, more generally, in all related professions. It will enable them not only to improve their approach as researchers, but also to develop a citizen's awareness of these issues, and to be better prepared for dialogue with society. 

Research themes



Practical Informations

Practical Informations

Dates: to come

There is no registration fee for this course

Maximum Number of Participants

20 people

Number of Participants

20 participants

Selection Criteria

All interested PhD students from Institut Curie, PSL and CdV doctoral school can register.

For students not affiliated to PSL: should you encounter any problem during the registration process, please contact caroline.audouin [at] curie.fr (caroline[dot]audouin[at]curie[dot]fr) (in cc of this email).


Keynote speakers

This list of speakers may still change


Angela Taddei (Institut Curie), Anne-Sophie Godfroy (ENS, UPEC)

Scientific Committee

Angela Taddei (Institut Curie), Anne-Sophie Godfroy (ENS, UPEC)


  • UMR 3664 - Nuclear Dynamics