Preliminary programme:
Morning session - theoretical lectures (virtual and in-person)
A brief introduction to radiomics - I Buvat
Review of basic concepts
Research planning - I Buvat
Step-by-step approach to hypothesis design, data preparation and curation, model evaluation, etc.
Radiomics: feature extraction - F Orlhac
Settings for feature calculation (discretization, spatial resampling), definitions, IBSI, filters
Interactive QA
Afternoon session - practical work (in-person only)
Hands on LIFEx
Reading and manipulating images, segmenting, extraction radiomic features, scripting
Presentation of the participants projects - session 1 (5 min per participant)
Social dinner
Morning session - theoretical lectures (virtual and in-person)
Reproducibility of radiomic features: need for harmonization - F Orlhac
Challenge of reproducible radiomics, center and population effect, solutions for harmonization and ComBat
Building a radiomic model - J Mullaert
Classification vs prediction, data curation, feature selection, models
Interactive QA
Afternoon session - practical work (in-person only)
Hands on Shiny
Feature harmonization with ComBat
Hands on R (or another statistical platform)
Data curation, pre-processing, building a model (part 1)
Presentation of the participants projects - session 2 (5 min per participant)
Morning session - theoretical lectures (virtual and in-person)
Model evaluation - J Mullaert
Metrics, cross-validation strategies, external validation
Model interpretation and reporting a radiomic study - I Buvat
Clever Hans effect, tools to guide the reporting (CLEAR, METRICS…)
Interactive QA
Afternoon session - practical work (in-person only)
Hands on R (or another statistical platform)
Building a model (part 2), evaluation of performance
Using metrics to assess the quality of a radiomic study
Feedback and general discussion with participants